Titled The Third World War, authored by Dr. Aniruddha Dhairyadhar Joshi, is a collection of a series of studied and thoughtful articles that appeared in the columns of the daily, Pratyaksha. The work does not dwell only on the causes and the possibilities of war; it also discusses several issues that are, as a matter of fact, real, a part of History. Moreover, the common person, not necessarily acquainted with the details, the events and the causes lying behind these and especially in so coherent a manner, should indeed read the work. There is no doubt that over the next twenty to twenty-five years, conflict will become an aspect of everyday doings and in every region on earth. Values based on theory or principle will have no place whatsoever in this conflict and the survival of the fittest will, on the contrary, be the only commandment. Thus, also political games and secret conspiracies are going to be sure directives; quantitative power that can resort to aggression, violence and extreme ruthlessness are going to prove more dominant and successful in the conflict and for a long time to come. These words, part of the prologue, are a strikingly realistic comment on the general circumstances that prevail.The work makes very profound yet sharp observations about the history of the Jews, the birth of Palestine and Israel, Osama-bin-laden, the Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, the conversion in Africa, Saddam, the I.S.I., the double standards of the U.S.A., Pakistans hatred for India and the shelter that it offered to terrorists, Iran and terrorism, the current situation in Bangladesh, Taiwan, Cuba and also in the Indian subcontinent. By no means, a prediction of the future, this thoughtful presentation of history and the present situation, also gives, to a certain extent, a glimpse of the calendar of the third world war.
Ideology and Political Theory: A Study with Special Reference to the Disintegration of the Soviet Union
This book primarily seeks to ...
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