The Tutor of History

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The first major novel in English to emerge from Nepal, The Tutor of History is a portrait of a society in change that is ultimately a story of idealism, alienation and love. The events of the novel unfold against the backdrop of a campaign for parliamentary elections in the bustling roadside town of Khaireni Tar. As its heart the book is about four main characters: Rishi Parajuli, a lonely, under-employed bachelor and disillusioned communist who gives private tuitions in history; Giridhar Adhikari, the chairman of the People’s Party’s district committee, who suffers from a serious alcohol addiction; Om Gurung, a large-hearted and guileless former British Gurkha; and a reclusive young widow, Binita Dahal, who runs a small tea shop and is careful not to demand of life more than the meagre pleasures it brings her. As the election campaign reaches its peak, the crises in their lives mount, and they must choose not only for Nepal, but also for their own individual futures. Written with rare insight into the politics of a nation and of human relationships, The Tutor of History marks the arrival of a significant new voice from the subcontinent.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Manjushree Thapa

Manjushree Thapa is the author of the widely acclaimed novel The Tutor of History. Her other published works include a travelogue, Mustong Bhot in Frogments, and translations of Nepali literature. Her essays and short stories have appeared in several anthologies, journals and magazines in Nepal, India and USA. Manjushree Thapa lives in Kathmandu, where she helps to manage Martin Chautari, a center for public interest and advocacy.


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The Tutor of History
1st ed.
x+442p., 20cm.