161 Infantry Brigade was deployed in the Kashmir Valley, in the Uri Sector which was a very sensitive area of 19 Infantry Division. I took over this Brigade on 01st July 1971. It fought the Indo-Pak War of 1971, under my command, successfully. We, in the Brigade, ensured that not even an inch of its territory was lost to Pakistan. In addition we captured some real estate, using our own resources only. During the Indo-Pak War of 1971, Pakistan’s strategy was to be on the defensive in the East but be on the offensive in the West. Yahya Khan was confident that he could seize a sizable territory in Kashmir, to offset the loss of East Pakistan and would “not only be able to humble India and save his hour but might actually be better off at the end of the War.†The GOC, 19 Infantry Division, in a ‘personal for’ message to the Brigade Commanders on 27th November 1971 also said that, “in view of losses suffered in East and increasing success of MUKTI BAHINI, I am of opinion PAK/POK troops facing us will react savagely.†And yet he ordered me to attack a strongly held Pakistani defensive position on Pt. 10944 on 03rd December night itself when Pakistan had declared a war on India. To me it made no sense and I had no choice but to refuse his order. I had no intention of un-balancing my defences and invite Pakistanis to take advantage. This book covers this and a few other similar incidents which took place in my Sector, during the fortnight of the war. These have been narrated honestly and in detail. If it succeeds in focusing the interest of the Readers, Senior Army Officers in particular that such incidents should not be allowed to happen in any future conflict, I shall be more than satisfied that my effort, in producing this Book, has been duly compensated. A war is not a ‘test exercise’; it has to be fought by all, as one team, using all the available resources, to further the national interest.
Social Security and Human Rights
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