India with its multi-altitudinal zones and varied edaphic and agro-climatic factors present different forest types ranging from sandy beaches to estuaries, marshy lands to mountainous and alpine zones in Himalayan heights passing through trans-successional stages of riverine to dry and moist deciduous to evergreens and conifers. These different forest types harbour a variety of wildlife habitates each with its unique flora flora and fauna with the tender and cute looking Slender loris to the majestic and mighty animals like tiger, lion and elephant not to speak of several fascinating mammalian, avian, reptilian and aquatic species. The study of wildlife has always attracted and fascinated several hunters, wildlifers, naturalists, conservationists and foresters alike. Scores of authors in their books and monographs have contributed their thoughts and experiences on the Indian wildlife in general and certain species in particular. Yet several of the features on different facets of the wildlife and their abodes have always remained incomplete and this is going to be so as long as human knowledge and endeavour seeks new vistas to explore. This book is organized well in subject relevant chapters and is amply illustrated with sketches, maps and photographs. It should certainly prove of much utility to foresters, protected area managers, zookeepers as well as teachers and students in universities. In today’s times of severe adversity to conservation of forests, wildlife and biodiversity, there is much emphasis upon integrated approaches to involving people as well as related government and non-government agencies in efforts addressing large landscapes. Likewise the role of conserving wildlife in captivity stands altered to a ‘regional’ focus on preserving endangered species in simulated habitats, and promoting awareness at large of the values of conservation to the sustenance and quality of human life. The wide base of the book should cater to the needs of Individuals looking for one or several of such aspects in the gamut of wildlife conservation today.
Concepts of Environmental Science
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