The World of Tantra

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It is a faithful presentation of personal experiences of a devoted man who has been throughout his life of 76 years searching for receiving an answer, an understandable logic behind those mystic events before which logic stands spell bound. These personal records-secret, mind boggling, enigmatic-none the less reserve for the reader an unfailing touch of reliance. Man stands here face to face with the mystery which takes the mind above matter, and wonderful gasps although the Hamlet like assurance comes in time to point out confidently to ‘more things between heaven and earth’. Chapter by chapter, the author unfolds layer after layer the secrets of the tantra world, as he has found himself in, at times to satisfy his quest, at times as just a beam of blessing. The personal note of these pages, together with the lessons in Tantric practices, some sweet and startling, some horrid and blood-curdling, make this book an addition to the authentic report of his much maligned but equally intimate world. Those who want to profit and learn of and about what is and what could be held in store by tantra will find The World of Tantra a secret mind of relevant information at first hand.


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Bibliographic information

The World of Tantra
8121509688, 9788121509688
xx+490p., Glossary; Index; 15 x 23Cms.

