The theory of supervision is based on democratic over-seeing the teaching work. Both the State and the Private Agencies invest in education for certain returns. It is, therefore, necessary that the money spending agencies have mechanism to evaluate the outcome of the teaching learning process involves the society in the form of the government and the appearance and the learners as well as the teachers. The agency of supervision is therefore, created to oversee and evaluate and direct the of supervision is based on the premises that the teaching learning situations can be improved and the cost benefit considerations can play their part in the business of education. In a democratic country like India it is the need of the hour that the supervision is based on democratic values and through supervision both the teachers and the students imbibe democratic values and the dignity of labour.
Theory of Supervision
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Theory of Supervision
1st ed.
viii+295p., Tables; Figures; References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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