Thinkers and Theories in Sociology: From Comte to Giddens

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This book is a comprehensive study of Sociological thinkers and theories right from the emergence of Sociology as a discipline in Social Sciences. It refers to the vast analysis of different traditions of Sociology, viz., the European and the American. The book provides an objective assessment of the major theories of Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Talcott Parsons and R.K. Merton. In addition to these theoretical traditions, it also highlights major contemporary Sociological Theories, from Phenomenology to Post-modernism. This volume describes how different theoretical orientations were developed, as also how the theory of Personal-Global Interaction emerges from these. The book studies all these topics in depth, with a review of concepts, and the theories of Sociology. Both teachers and students will find these discussions of various topics in the field of Sociological thought and theory fruitful.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sujit Kumar Choudhary

Sujit Kumar Choudhary is Doctoral Fellow at the Centre for Study of Social Systems/School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. He did his Post-Graduation (MA) and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Sociology from JNU. The prestigious Dr. Ambedkar Chair Fellowship has been conferred on him for his doctoral research. He has won many awards, prizes, and certificates in academics, social work and sports. The author has other books to his credit and has contributed number of articles and research papers to reputed journals and magazines. His research interests are in Sociological Thinkers and Theories, Social Stratification, Sociology of Education, and Tribal Sociology.


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Thinkers and Theories in Sociology: From Comte to Giddens
1st ed.
xx+388p., Notes; References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.