A magnificent historical novel, sensuous yet cerebral, Thomas is an epic tale of passion, heroism, faith and is a tour de force of the imagination.Did St. Thomas the apostle really come to India as a missionary in the first century AD? Legend has it that he did – but historians cannot be sure. Betty’s grand and picturesque novel picks Thomas’s story up from where historians must leave off. After the crucification, the fictionalized Thomas embarks on a voyage to India, which he believes is a land of demons and sodomites. Soon he meets Kumaran, A Tamilian Pulaiyar poet, who is on his way back home after roaming the world. Thomas and Kumaran travel together, as Thomas quests for converts and Kumaran for poetic fame. Their adventures range from involvement in court debaucheries to participation in philosophical debates.
The Complete Poems of Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali: Texts and Critical Evaluation
The theme of Rabindranath ...
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