This book informs you about the essential correlations and approaches taken by the Tibetan science of healing. It describes the entire spectrum of application possibilities for those who want to study Tibetan medicine and use it for treatment purposes. At the same time, it provides information about holistic remedies so that interested readers can take action to restore their inner harmony and health. Tibetan Healing Handbook discusses the fundamental principles of health and causes of disease. These include non-visible forces and biorhythmic planetary influences; classic Tibetan forms of diagnosis, the foremost of which are pulse and urine examination; advice on behavior and healing approaches to dietary habits, as well as the accessory therapeutic possibilities of oil massages, moxabustion, hydrotherapy, humoral excretion procedures and much more. The famous Tibetan remedies are described in detail.
Compendium of Indian Folk Medicine and Ethnobotany (1991-2015)
India is rich in ethnic and ...
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