Ticket to Minto: Stories of India and America

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This premier fiction collection offers readers a passage to an unfamiliar destination – a world in limbo between East and West, India and America, home and away.With piercing insight, Fracis expertly reveals the underlying differences between immersion in India’s culture – Hindu, Muslim, or Parsi – and life as an Indian in America. The stories in this collection, alternating between East and West, serve as companion pieces, interrelated across continents in both theme and content. A middle-aged man’s search for love in Bombay is contrasted with an Indian American family’s hopes for the marriage of their westernized daughter. A University student rushes to save the life of a servant in his homeland only to find his own life threatened while attending graduate school in America.Poignant and daring, Ticket to Minto underlies the harsh realization that the immigrant never truly arrives but is in constant limbo between two worlds.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sohrab Homi Fracis

Originally from Bombay, Sohrab Homi Fracis teaches literature at the University of North Florida and is a fiction and poetry editor at the State Street Review. He was awarded the 1999-2000 Florida Individual Artist Fellowship in Literature/Fiction, and his work has appeared in Other Voices, India Currents, Weber Studies, the Antagonism Review, and the Toronto Review of Contemporary Literature Abroad.


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Ticket to Minto: Stories of India and America
1st ed.