Tourism as an Economic Enterprise

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Tourism is an ever expanding service oriented industry with high growth potential for national as well as for international community. Today, tourism has become a global as well as national level exhibition and description of places, prosperity, higher standards of living and the fast growing concept of paid holidays. This has evolved through a long process and have primarily been an off-shoot of civilization in technological advances. The origin of the practice of travel, could indeed, be traced back to genesis of man’s faculty of walking. However, as a regular and professionally meaningful phenomenon it owes its outset to the onset of the transport revolution. Although a notable change in the nature of tourism was there in 19 century, when mass tourism at the international level can actually be said to have come about. The process of tourism incorporates man, space and time as its principal components. As such, it has far reaching significance and implications of a socio-economic nature alongside the environment ones. The tourism has emerged as a most instrumental phenomena in the economic and social development of any society. There is hardly and other economic activity which is able to generate as mass added value, employment and foreign currency and that also at such a low cost. The main objective of the present encyclopaedic study of Tourism as an Economic Enterprise is to organize and put together the different aspects of this complex matrix of the multiple interrelated dimensions of the tourism. The editor has endeavour to bring together the various dimensions in the area of the subject and structure the various themes in a holistic purposive format. Although lots of efforts and people had facilitated this book but still suggestions are welcomed for further improvement upon the book.


Dileep Makan (b. 1950) has done his Ph.D. from Department of Tourism Development at Charles Sturt University, Florida. He has travelled a lot and has 20 years experience in teaching in tourism at various institutions in India and abroad. He has to his credit numbe rof research papers and review articles published in variuos Journals of repute. He has tried to put his long experience in the form of present encyclopaedia in 3 volumes.


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Tourism as an Economic Enterprise
1st ed.