History and historians are two sides of the same coin. The role of a historian is not simply to project history as per his whims and caprices, but to present it before the readers basing upon sources which are infact the ingredients of writing history. This present work "Trade and Commerce of South Orissa" (A.D. 1858-1936) is the product of keen interest based on primary and secondary sources like Reports of Annual Volumes of Sea-Borne Trade and Navigation of the Madras Presidency, Madras District Gazetteers, Ganjam, A Statistical Atlas of the Madras, Madras Revenue Reports, the Manuscripts, Manuals, handbooks, Government Reports and letters, Published books, selected articles of various journals and periodicals. This work is the first attempt to present an exhaustive and critical study of the trade and commerce of South Orissa, and it throws new light on internal trade, over-seas trade, Coasting trade, riverine trade, weights and measures, transport and communication system and currency system. The author has taken much care to present detailed informations on various aspects of trade and commerce of South Orissa. For the students and scholars, who are working on history of trade and commerce, this book will provide a new insight into this field.
Trade and Commerce of South Orissa (1858-1936)
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Trade and Commerce of South Orissa (1858-1936)
1st ed.
Punthi Pustak, 2007
xx+352p., Tables.
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