A great deal of the work in any college library is of a clerical or routine nature. If the personal staff is to provide the services needed in carrying out the instructional work of the faculty it must be relieved as much as possible from work of a purely routine or clerical nature. it must have the time and opportunity to become acquainted with the students, to become familiar with their problems and needs as well as to know the materials which are available for aiding their studies. While it is impossible to separate these tasks completely there are good reasons why each library could attempt to outline and analyse the professional and clerical duties in its own service. After students have been given general instructions at the use of the library and certain simple practice problems to acquaint with library procedure to the work of the particular department in which they will serve.
Training of Library
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Training of Library
1st ed.
Mahaveer & Sons, 2007
viii+312p., Index; 23cm.
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