Training Teachers Problems and Issues

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The present publication addresses mainly the problems teacher education faces today in India. While most of these problems are old, new ones have also got added to the long list of prospective teacher’s woes. For instance, few teacher educators realize that teaching is essentially a skill area and fewer still feel the need to train her/him in innovative techniques in teaching. As the things are getting more and more complicated everyday with the entry of numerous operators in this field. A look around will get the viewer several stakeholders. The apex body that was supposed to be regulating teacher education institutions is unfortunately totally disoriented and therefore has become dysfunctional. Therefore has become dysfunctional. The question being currently asked is: Quo Vadis? The leaders in the field will have to rein in the erstwhile managers and suggest ways and means to overcome the situation. No one has thus far addressed the problem of ICT and the teachers in the classrooms. The present book will help grapple with such problems.


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Training Teachers Problems and Issues
1st ed.
280p., Index; 23cm.