"My long journey background s and forward over the trans-Himalaya cannot be regarded as more that a vursory and defective reconnaissance of a country hithero unknown.It is easier to go to Lhasa with a force armed to the teeth, and shot down the Tibetans like pheasants if they stand in the way, than to cross Tibet in all direction for two long years with four governments and all the authoirities of the land as opponents, twelve poor Ladakis as companions, and not a single man as escort. It is no merit of mine that I was long able to maintain a position which form the first seemed untenable. The same lucky star looked down, as often before, on my lonely course through vast Asis, since I First took up my pilgrim staff. "Go, then, out into the world thouringing and sonorous name for one of the world’s mightiest mountain systems, and find they way into geographical text-books and remind children in the schools of the World, among which the monsoon storms have sung their deafening chorus since the beginning. As long as I live, my proudest memories-like royal eagles, will soar round the cold desolate crags of the Trans Himalaya."
Riddles of the Gobi Desert
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