To meet the future requirements of the increasing population, it would be absolutely necessary to increase the crop production in the dryland areas which constitute two-third of the cultivated area of India. Increased agricultural production can be made possible by transferring various facets of modern technologies to farmers, and among these plant protection occupies a very vital position. The speed with which plant protection technology with all transmitted at the farmers’ level depends largely upon a strong research system, a well equipped extension system and the needed support system coupled with several kinds of reticulated problem complex in the farmers’ system. Having known these problems at different level efforts can be rightly triggered to eliminate them on priority basis. This book will be useful to the planners, policy-makers, administrators and field level extension workers for comprehending these problems of transfer of plant protection technology among the dryland farmers. It will also help them develop a clear understanding of the bottlenecks impeding the efficient execution of the programmes in relation with the transfer of plant protection technology among the dryland farmers.
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