Today’s era is known as Information and Communication Technology era. Every aspect of human life is affected by ICT. The applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in libraries have brought the revolutionary changes in the entire concept of library operations, services and management. Today, the modern libraries are not equipped with print books and journals but also with CD-ROM Databases, Digital Video Discs, Electronic Databases, Consortia’s, e-books and e-journals etc. Hence libraries have been transformed from traditional libraries to hybrid libraries having print, electronic and online resources. So, the library and information science professionals used to get ready to face the challenges emerging due to the adoption of newer technologies. An attempt has been made in the present volume to synthesize all aspects of library and information science and ICT and to put them in the systematic order at one place to understand the conceptual phenomena and to render the better and effective services to the patterns. This book not only deals with the theoretical aspects on different topics, but there are also some case studies which show the path to march forward. The emergence of Internet as a new media of information delivery, digitization, Innovations in agricultural information system, plagiarism, farm advisory services, RFID, Barcode technology, KOHA, Moodle, etc., have been discussed in one way or the other in the proposed book. The book is suppose to be useful for practising librarians, information scientists, information managers, research scholars, students and teachers of library and information science and others who are concerned with information science, modernization and digitization of library and information resources and services.
Transformation of Library Services in Electronic Era
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Transformation of Library Services in Electronic Era
1st. ed.
Studera Press, 2016
xix+442p., Illustrations; 24cm.
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