Management of travel an tourism organisatios are facing challenges created both by increasing demand and stiff competition. Improving customer service, providing more and more facilities and customer satisfaction are tools that are reason, managers in most of the top organizations are nowadays adopting policy of strategic management along with latest theories, tools and technique. To become successful, managements have to learn these strategies and way of their implementation. Towards this aim, presenting strategic choice levels at the outset, the present book discusses various strategies –competitive, genetic, cost leadership, differentiation, focus, stability, retrenchment, total global, global generic, core competence, and globalisation. In this endeavour, the book globalisation. In this endeavour, the book elucidates on many important topics like strategic direction, mergers, acquisitions, joint development, strategic alliances, diversification and globalisation along with trends of strategic management. Views of experts and examples will facilitate easy understanding. This unique presentation on strategic management of travel and tourism orgainsations in must for all students, teachers, travel and tour consultants, travel and tour consultants, travel and tourism organizations, managers and general readers.

Travel and Tourism Management
by S.P. Singh
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Dr. S.P. Singh, obtained degrees of B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. & A.H. and M.Sc. (Ag.) Horticulture from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (UP) India in 1964 and 1970 respectively. In the same University, he conducted research and imparted technical know-how on seed production technology in cereal and vegetable crops to the progressive farmers of Tarai region of western U.P. He was awarded Senior Research Fellowship by CSIR, New Delhi leading to Ph.D. degree in Horticulture at National Botanical Reserch Institute, Lucknow under Kanpur University, Kanpur (UP) in 1974-78. He joined Konkar Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Ditt. Ratnagiri (MS) as Assistant Professor in 1978 and worked in the cadre of Associate Professor from January 1979 to Nov. 1983 in the same University. Presently Dr. Singh is serving as Associate Professor of Horticulture at Gujarat Agricultural University, Junagadh Campups, Junagadh since December, 1983. Dr. Singh has published more than 50 research papers and 65 semi-research articles in Horticulture. Dr. Singh is a life member of the Indian Journal of Plant Science Research and Indian Farmers’ Digest His main areas of interests are floriculture, olericulture and plantation crops. He is author of three more books, viz. 1. Mist propagation, 2. The Gliricidia, 3. Scientific Management of Arecanut Gardens.
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Travel and Tourism Management
1st ed.
viii+167p., Tavles; Figures; Index; 23cm.
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