The present publication encompasses a remarkable collection of research papers by specialist scholars on different aspects of tribal and ethnic studies. The main objective of collating is to provide certain guiding principles and course of action for the student and practitioners of sociology, anthropology, cultural, tribal and ethnic studies regarding the current socio-cultural problems. It is hoped that this assortment of ethnographic, analytical, conceptual and theoretical issues, covering a wide range of subjects in the present array of papers will certainly provide intellectual stimulants. The outcome of this effort could be widely disseminated to all potential users including government and non-government organizations (NGOs), practitioners, grassroots activists and researchers, so that the process of transforming research results into action can be accelerated.
Trends and Issues in Tribal Studies
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Biswajita Padhy
Mrs. Biswajita Padhy is faculty in the department of Economics, Aeronautics College, Sunabeda (Orissa). She has many publications in various journals and edited books of reputation. Mrs. Padhy is the joint editor of the book "Trends and Issue in Tribal studies", published by Abhijeet Publications, New-Delhi in 2008. Her interests and publications are in the field of Financial analysis, Tribal Economy, Joint Forest Management (JFM) and Natural Resource Management (NRM).
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Soubhagya Ranjan Padhi
Mr. Soubhagya Ranjan Pandhi is a faculty in the department of Sociology, Aeronautics College, Sunabeda (Orissa). He has, since long, been engaged in the empirical social-antropological studies of tribe in Orissa. He has participated in many national and international conferences and has published many research papers in journals of national and international repute. He has to his credit one text book entitled, "Social Research: Methodology and Techniques", published by Kalyani Publication, Ludhiana in 2005. Mr. Padhi is the joint editor of the book "Trends and Issue in Tribal studies", published by Abhijeet Publications, New-Delhi in 2008. his interests and publications are in the field of Tribal Studies, Sustainable Development, Livelihood and Watershed Management.
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Bibliographic information
Trends and Issues in Tribal Studies
1st ed.
Abhijeet Publications, 2008
xxii+338p., Tables.
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