Religion represents a means of reaching the Divine. Though each religion has a different philosophy and suggests a different way of life, at the core of all faiths the ultimate goal is common: realization of the Divine. Tri-dal-A Trilateral Dialogue-Hinduism, Christianity and Islam presents the deliberations and reflections of eminent scholars and social activists who participated in the symposium entitled ‘World Religions-Together for Peace’ organized by Somaiya Vidyavihar, Mumbai. This is an attempt to understand the inherent strength of religions to lead the mankind towards peace. The book is divided into eight sections comprising six sessions of the symposium in addition to the inaugural and concluding sessions. Tridal in Sanskrit connotes a trifoliate. It also means a league of three groups marching together. This book is a joint offering made to god by the followers of the three faiths. It is also a unified journey in quest of peace and harmony by Hinduism, Christianity and Islam.
Tri-dal: A Trilateral Dialogue Hinduism, Christianity and Islam
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Tri-dal: A Trilateral Dialogue Hinduism, Christianity and Islam
1st ed.
xviii+307p., 8.8 X 5.6
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