Orissa is the home of 62 scheduled tribes. But comparatively very little research has been done on the socio-economic life of the tribals. This is a pioneering work to combine the studies and analyses by historians, anthropologists, psychologists, economists and literary critics on the changing society of the tribals. From the historical perspective, the author moves from mutual interactions of non-tribal and tribal and tribal culture, absorption of Gods and Goddesses from the tribal fold to Hindu pantheon to the abandoned ritual of human sacrifice. The modern processes put up before the tribals by western-urban-industrial-democratic-model, heralding unprecedented change in tribal lifestyle have come in for academic scrutiny. As a combined effort of many academicians the book gives a wide coverage on the study of Orissan tribals, to make it a worth while addition to the available material on the subject.
Tribals of Orissa: The Changing Socio-Economic Profile
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Tribals of Orissa: The Changing Socio-Economic Profile
1st ed.
xxiv+147p., Tables; Figures; Appendices; References; Index; 23cm.
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