When the custom of appreciation of sages and seers got underway, the critics proclaimed Tulsidas as the Titan of Hindu literature and the permanent saviour of Hindu society. Blinded by the dazzle of applause, nobody even dared to think to the facts surrounding Tulsi’s life and times. What he was in reality: was he a guide or misguider of Hindu society? It is a matter of Utter surprise that how can that Tulsi be proclaimed as the poet of masses; who exhorted Hindus to abandon gallantry and misled them into the company of false God despite the humiliating exposure to foreign invaders. This is what the main objective of this book. This is an attempt at revealing the literary ostentations of the misguider of Hindu society Tulsidad. It is hoped that the readers would have a correct appreciation of reasons why a different perspective of Tulsi literature is required.
Tulsidas: The Misguider of Hindu Society
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Tulsidas: The Misguider of Hindu Society
1st ed.
iv+5-329p., Tables; 23cm.
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