Vol. 1: The Central National Herbarium houses the classical collection of Wallich, Anderson, Hooker, Griffith, Wight, Clarke, King, Prain, Kurz etc. The herbarium holds about 1,25,000 specimens and there are about 10,000 type material of great scientific interest. Wallich collections numbering about 12,000 specimens are housed in separate almirahs for easy reference. There are large number of type collections which requires listing. Dr. K. Ramamurthy & Shri U.P. Samaddar have worked on the type collections of Forrest and Shri Anukul Dutta et al. have worked on the Elmer's collection at the Central National Herbarium, which are being included in the present publication. These enumerations of type collections are useful for the preparation of type register. These lists of types will be computerised shortly so that ready information can be easily retrievable. Vol. 2: This second attempt in the series on the enumeration of type collections in the Central National Herbarium (CAL) forms yet another significant contribution in the persuit of developing a national data base as envisaged in the review of the functions and organisation of the Botanical Survey of India. The progress of the scientific activity of floristic survey in the Indian subcontinent revealed an increase in finding of new species, sub-species and varieties in addition to the vast collections made earlier and deposited in CAL. In the present book types of both Cryptogams and Angiosperms are enlisted. The information here are supplemented with nomenclature, synonyms, references, localities, altitudes, collection dates, and numbers which forms this treatise. Apart from new species, sub-species and varieties, the plant genera (Angiosperms) new to science included here (inter alia) are : Asraoa, Eskemukerjea, Kanjarum, Kurziodendron, Neodriessenia, Parakaempferia, Pauella, Pseudodissochaeta, Janakia and Santapaua. New taxa of cryptogams described (inter alia) include-mosses : Andreaea kashyapii, Hydrogonium mussoorianum, Habrodon kashmiriensis, Plagiothecium dehradunense, Lescuraea darjeelingensis, Haplocladium microphyllum ssp. capillatum var. bhutanicum, Hygrohypnum nairii, H. choprae, Brachythecium chakratense, B. garhwalense, Pseudoleskea laevifolia var. vasudharensis, Thuidium contortulum var. mussoriensis, T. squarrosulum var. scabrisetum and Rhynchostegium calderii ; Pteridophytes: Polysticum levingi, P. lanatum var. bifurcatum, Thelypteris multilineata var. bhutanica, Plagiogyria meghalayensis, P. elongata, Pteris silent-valleyensis, Elaphoglossum jowaiense, E. cherapunjii, E. thomsonii, E. prainii and E. simonsianum; Lichens: Graphina darjeelingensis and G. awasthii.
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