Understanding Basics of Library and Information Science (Paper 5,6,7)

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This book has been prepared, in question-answer format, keeping in mind the syllabi of the major universities imparting B.Lib.Sc. Courses in the country. To suit the requirements of the students, all the papers have been extensively covered and a good number of pages dedicated to each paper from the syllabus of B.Lib.Sc. This series ‘Understanding Basics of Library and Information Science’ comes in Four Volumes viz; Volume I: Library and Society and Library Management (Paper I & II), Volume II: Library Classification (Theory) Library classification (Practical) (Paper III), Volume III: Library Cataloguing (Theory) Library Cataloguing (Practical) (Paper IV), Volume IV: Reference Services and Sources of Information, Information Services, and Computers & Information Technology (Paper V, Vi & VII). Each and every question concerned with the papers has been provided with the suitable answer. Considering the fact that nowadays many universities include questions of objective nature in their question papers, this book lays equal emphasis on both objective and descriptive type questions. It is hoped that this book shall be a very useful reference tool for the students appearing for B.Lib.Sc. Examinations and they can use this as their guidebook for clearing their examinations.


C. Lal is known in the field of Library and Information Science as Documentalist. He is M.A. From Agra University and M.Lib.Sc. from Jiwaji University, Gwalior. He has taught library science for several years. At present, he is working as Incharge, Documentation and Information Services of the Research Department of Mathematics, Agra College, Agra. This department of the college is well known for its research and teaching. Several other books of Mr. Lal are under the process of publication.


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Understanding Basics of Library and Information Science (Paper 5,6,7)
1st ed.
vi+114p., Tables; Figures; 23cm