Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis

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The present book Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis is an update presentation on the subject. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common major crippling disease prevalent through out the world. This book deals with the present understanding of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis in Ayurveda and rationalising the management strategies etc. Moreover, author has also described the role of traditional Chinese medicine in rheumatoid arthritis. The monograph is quite interesting. Author has adopted a real integrated approach on the understanding of rheumatoid arthritis through an interface of Ayurveda and western modern medicine. The book will definitely be proved thought provoking and interesting to the clinicians and scientists and even sufferers as a scientific guide.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sanjeev Rastogi

Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi graduated in Ayurvedic Madicine and Surgery from state Ayurvedic College, lucknow with a highly distinguished career. Subsequently he joined Banaras University, Department of Kayachikitsa as a Resident and PG scholar and completed his M D Ay. Degree under the supervision of Prof. R H singh. During his Residency he conducted a good piece of clinical research on Arthritis and its Management in Ayurveda and published several scientific papers. Dr. rastogi visited China for two years on Govt. of India scholarship for post-graduated studies in traditional Chinese Medicine. After his return from China Dr. Rastogi joined UP State Govt. Services as lecturer in Kayachikitsa. Dr. Rastogi enjoys the Singular position holding post-Graduate qualification in Ayurveda as well as in Traditional Chinese Medicine.


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Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis
1st ed.
xii+114p., Tables; Plates; Figures; Appendices; Glossary; 23cm.