Unrest in the State of Jammu and Kashmir: A Quest of Some Psycho-Social Correlates

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The evolution of identity is based upon the inherent need of human beings to feel that he or the belong to some particular or a "special kind of people". One needs to know that one belongs to a special ethnic group or religious groups, in which one may participate in its customs, rituals and ideologies or indeed that are prefers to participate in movements destined to changes or the social structure. The youth’s identity gives definition of his or her environment. Prejudice is another important issue before the contemporary world. As social psychologists define it, the most common objects of prejudice are ethnic groups and minority groups. An ethnic group is a collection of people having a common racial or national background, a common culture and language, or a combination of these characteristics. There will be always difference among groups in a variety of characteristics, and in a pluralistic and democratic society have difference should be acknowledged and respected with fair treatment available to all regardless of group identity. In this book the author has considered the significance of social processes and cultural factors in shaping one’s identity along with prejudice and alienation. The book further discusses the main aim to examine the magnitude of identity and its different patterns in relation to prejudice and alienation as well as in relation to the socio-economic status and educational background of three different groups people of Kashmir valley.


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Unrest in the State of Jammu and Kashmir: A Quest of Some Psycho-Social Correlates
1st Ed.
xxii+130p., tables.