Untranquil Recollections: The Years of Fulfilment

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UNTRANQUIL RECOLLECTIONS: The Years of Fulfilment is a memoir of Rehman Sobhan, a prominent economist and public intellectual who played an active role in the Bangladeshi national movement of the 1960s. It is a narration of events by the author who lived through extraordinary phases in the histories of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and the impact they had on him. His story relates to the life and perspectives of an individual born into a family of relative privilege and educated at elite schools. Later on, his life moved on to a different trajectory from its intended path and he eventually came to be involved in the political struggles that culminated in the emergence of an independent Bangladesh.


Professor Rehman Sobhan, editor of the volume, is the founder of the Centre for Policy Dialogue (DPD), a leading civil society think-tank in Bangladesh which he currently chairs. He is also the Executive Director of South Asia Centre for Policy Studies (SACEPS). He served as Member of a number of important national and international bodies including Member of the Caretaker Government of Bangladesh, Bangladesh National Commission on Money, Banking and Finance. He was a member of UN Committee for Development Planning, Governing Council of UN University, Tokyo, Board of United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Executive Committee of the International Economic Association, Groups of Eminent Persons appointed by SAARC Heads of State to review the future of SAARC. He also served as Chairman of Grameen Bank. Professor Sobhan has worked and published extensively on the themes of public enterprise, privatisation, debt default, economic reforms, foreign aid, agrarian change, political economy of governance and on South Asian cooperation. He is currently working in the issue of poverty and justice.


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Untranquil Recollections: The Years of Fulfilment
1st. ed.
xx+444p., 14 Pages of Plates; Illustrations; 23cm.