Urban Development in India: Problems, Policies and Programmes

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The present volume on ‘Urban Development in India’ examines in detail critically the problems, policies, programmes and perspectives on controlling and planning for urban centres with a view to make them generative cities and livable cities. The study has broad analytical and poicy perspectives canvas on Urban Problems like Urban Housing, Urban Poverty, Urban Water Supply and Sewerage, Urban Public Road Transport, Environmental Pollution, Problems of Municipal Finance and Urban Planning. It examines the urban policies adopted so far critically and offers alternative policy options to solve the different negative urban externalities in India. Thus, the present volume will be useful for urban planners, policy makers as well as students researchers and teachers of Urban Economics, Urban Sociology and Urban Geography.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Odeyar D. Heggade

Dr. Odeyar D. Heggadae, (b. 1952) is a distinguished scholar and teacher of economics from India. He has nearly three decades of research experience and has contributed many volumes into the fields of development Economics, Urban Economics, Women Studies and Economics of Social and Economic Infrastructure. Prof. Heggade has undertaken many research projects and has also successfully guided many students for their Ph. D. and M. Phil. He is a prolific writer both in English and Kannada on Economics as well as Literature. He further, also is interested in research in Modern Indian Social, Polito-Economic Thought and thus published books on the legacy of Rabindranath Tagore, Pandi Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, and M.N. Roy Prof. Heggade, in brief is a leading development economist from India.


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Urban Development in India: Problems, Policies and Programmes
1st. Ed.
463p., Tables.