Urbanisation, Development and Environment

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The symbiotic relationship between urbanization and development that had been obtained in the industrialized countries of the West, was not found to be replicated in case of developing countries because of the differential roles of the capitalist development. Spatial development pattern in these countries became uneven as also the pattern of urbanization, evident in the differentials between core and periphery at various scales. Resultanty, large cities in such countries have become centers of population and economic activities as well as extractors of regional resources, but not foci of regional development. Environmental degradation has further surfaced as an associated element of such growth, both in urban and rural areas. In recent years operation of international capital has intensified the pattern further leading to extreme metropolitanisation and intra-regional disparity. It is in this backdrop the book analyse the complex pattern of urbanization, development and the environmental situation primarily in India in longitudinal terms. It deals with the wise range of topics on economy, society and environment both at general and spatial scales, linking theoriretical discussions with empirical analyses.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Swapna Banerjee-Guha

Swapna Banerjee-Guha, professor of Human Geography, University of Mumbai received her Ph.D. in geography from Calcutta University. A Postdoctoral Fulbright fellow at the Johns Hopkins University, USA, she has been a visiting Professor in the University of Vienna, Visiting fellow at the Institute of developing Economies, Japan and a Visiting fellow at the Institute of developing economies, japan and Visiting fellow at the Maison des Science de L,homme, Paris. A steering committee member of International Critical Geography, she is a regular contributor to books and journals at home and abroad and has a number of research are urban, social and development issues with a special reference to contemporary globalisation process.


V.S. Phadke, is former Professor of geography, University of Mumbai. He had his initial interests in Quantitative geography. On joining the University department in the year 1979, he broadened his horizon and carried out research in fields like regional and Environmental Planning. He has contributes to several research journals in geography and social sciences in India.


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Urbanisation, Development and Environment
1st ed.
x+294p., Tables; Figures; Maps; Index; 23cm.