The present study represents an attempt to probe into Urbanism in Ancient India from several points of view from the earliest time to the Twelfth century A.D. It points out that in spite of sharp different between attitude and aspiration, thought and feeling of city bred man and the inhabitants of a village, but both were interdependent and reciprocal supplementary. In the remaining chapters, it points out the role of iron in the development of city and city-buildings activity. It also presents a critical study of mercantile activities under different types of urban centers. Interesting interpretation of urban panels as depicted in Sanchi Art as well as the art of Bharhut, Amravati, Nagarjunakone, Bhaja, etc., has been made. International urban centers such as Puttans flocked by Sarthvahas, Dronimukha and Puttans visit by commercial migrates technically know as Samudravyavahari Sarthavahas has been made to explain their activities profusely. Apt and suitable illustration have been added to make the discussion trust worthy and reliable.
Serving the Nation: Cultures of Service, Association, and Citizenship
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