“…It is a myth that the GATT/WTO system is only about free trade. Plenty of exemptions to free trade principles are permitted. The anti-dumping agreement is one such exemption. The GATT/WTO system does not prohibit dumping, defined as exporting a product as lower than its ‘normal’ valueâ€â€¦ and thus goes the Introduction to this important volume on the subject. “…Where do we go from where? …the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) contemplates nothing beyond clarifying and improving disciplines. There is consensus across all five papers that this is consensus across all five papers that this is hardly enough. More substantial change is needed in the anti-dumping agreement. There is perhaps consensus across all five papers that the anti-dumping agreement needs to be dumped, although there is lack of precision about what should be done about Article VI in that eventuality. Given the political economy within the WTO, this first-best solution is unlikely to materialize. But as a second-best, there is enough ammunition in these five papers for the argument that one needs much more than mere clarification and improvement.â€
Uses and Misuses of Anti-Dumping Provisions in World Trade
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Bibek Debroy is Director of the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies (RGICS), Rajive Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi. He is a professional economist and was educated in Presidency College (Calcutta), Delhi School of Economics and Trinity College (Chambridge). He has worked at Presidency College (Calcutta), Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (Pune), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (Delhi), National Council of Applied Economic Research (Delhi) and as consultant, Department of Economic affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. He was also the Director for a project known as LARGE, set up by the Ministry of Finance and UNDP to Consulting Editor with Financial Express. Bibek Debroy's special interests are international trade in particular the WTOI, law reform and the political economy of liberalization in India. He has been listed in many bibliographies and has been a member of several government committees.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Debashis Chakraborty
Debashis Chakraborty is Research Associate at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi. He was educated at the University of Calcutta and at the Centre for International Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University and his areas of interest include International Trade, the interface between Law and Economic and Indian Economic Development. He has presented and published papers at various academic and policy forums in India and abroad.
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Bibliographic information
Uses and Misuses of Anti-Dumping Provisions in World Trade
1st ed.
145p., Tables; Figures; References; 23cm.
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