Though value-based management (VBM) has been used for a decade now, it is still considered a new management technique. Organizations using this technique, have been successful and have increased the value of both the shareholders and the company. To measure the value of a company, apart from traditional accounting methods, financial performance tools like EVA, CFROI and Cash Flows have been used by consultants like Stern Stewart, BCG Group and McKinsey. This book is useful for leaders, management professionals and managers in creating, managing, measuring and enhancing the value of companies and shareholders. It also helps them in creating a sense of ownership in the minds of their employees by involving them in the decision-making process and thus improving organizational performance. The book is divided into two sections. The first section titled Introduction discusses VBM, the many facets of shareholder value creation, compares old accounting methods and new management techniques, and presents new concepts of VBM. The second section titled Experiences discusses the implementation of VBM and other measurement tools in various Indian and global companies.
Value Based Management: An Introduction
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Value Based Management: An Introduction
1st ed.
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