Today is the age of particle physics. Scientists are very keen to find out the original fundamental particle from which all other particles are developed step by step with different types of forces in a systematic way. The particle physics has become the boon for the nuclear science. The atomic structure is being revealed to discover the sub-atomic particles. The modern scientists have found the six flavors of the Quark particles considering them the basic fundamental particles. This is their last knowledge up to this time in particle physics. But still, there are so many questions in this particle physics, which are not answered up to this time. In my view, these modern scientists have not become successful in finding the fundamental particle up to this time, from which all other particles with their forces have been developed. The figures of all the structures of the subatomic particles are given with the explanation of their related Mantras of the Holy Ag-Veda concluding at the complete atomic structure of 300X110 atom. The symbolic technical terms of the Vedic science are used in this book. The terms of the Modern Science and Modern Mathematics are also used where it became necessary. There is new theory of the development of particles at several places of the Vedic science in this book, which differs from the theories of the modern Science. This theory provides perfect knowledge of the sub-atomic particles in more right way. The particles developed from the ground state of the Dark Matter are divided into three categories according to their formation of the content. Some particles are formed by the pure content of the Dark Matter in the form of quanta of energy only. Some particles are being converted into physical mass of matter from the content of the Dark Matter. Some particles are getting bigger size having more and more physical mass of matter by absorbing smaller mass particles and getting them bonded in their bodies. This book provides theoretical knowledge, which will lead a path for further researches for the scientists of present and future time to make further discoveries in this field for the peace and prosperity of the universe.
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