Victimology in India: Perspectives Beyond Frontiers

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Indian criminological and jurisprudential thinking has been wanting in sophistication and consideration for the victims of criminality for whose protection and to render justice to whom the entire paraphernalia of criminal justice administration has come into existence. The Western World is far ahead of us in this respect. Even other Third World countries like Indonesia and Philippines have stolen a march over India in this field and introduced victim compensation legislation in their legal codes. Two silver linings to the general cloud that pervades over the systems are a trail-blazing judgement by the High Court of Kerala, and another by the Supreme Court of India. Those and the latest developments in this area in various foreign countries are well brought out in this book by the author. Besides, the effect of the Consumer Protection Law, the impact of terrorist offences, the ramifications of socioeconomic crime, the implication of human rights and the problems of research are also highlighted and updated.

As a text and reference work for academies, colleges and universities teaching law, for judges and magistrates, legislators, police officers, social scientists, prosecutors, lawyers and above all, for the voiceless victimized citizens at the receiving end of criminality, the book should be of great use.


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Victimology in India: Perspectives Beyond Frontiers
vi+268p., Bibliography; Index; 23cm.