Violence Against Women and Human Right

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Women are discriminated in all spheres of life –at home or at workplace (if employed). Crime against women have special features. Rape, eve-teasing, sexual harassment are the crime against women, typical in nature. Though every civilized society has devised some safeguards to curb the violence against unabated and persists. In India, we come across a number of cases molestations, rape or other cruelties on women. Special laws are enacted, special machinery to curb the problems set up. Despite that women are facing the violence. The present publication brings together many important issues, discussed in detail. Crime Against Women: A Introduction; Human Rights of Women; Problem of Molestation and Eve-Teasing; Kidnapping of Women and Girls; An Overview; Family Violence, family Courts and Social Change; Women and Rape Laws; Immoral Trafficking of Women; Dowry & Murder in India: The Social Evil; Law and Domestic Violence in India etc. are the major issues taken here. Hopefully, the readings compiled here will benefit students, researchers, social scientist, women activists, policy planners and administrations.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Chitrasen (ed.)

Chitrasen, M.A. (English & Sociology), currently he is engaged with her doctoral research. Has written many books in the field of sociology, women education & many other areas. His area of interest are-education, sociology, women, human rights and philosophy. Has written many books & journals. He is deeply involved in promotion of education and currently engaged in his academic pursuit.


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Violence Against Women and Human Right
1st ed.
viii+294p., Reference; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.


#Human Rights