This fact became very clear to the Indian leadership that independent India needed a different kind of education for its social development. Many Committees and Commissions were set up to analyze the existing system and to suggest various measures to reorient its educational system. The recent new education policy which was enunciated in 1986 strongly recommended that the secondary school education should be revamped for a vast majority of the students who leave the school and enter life. For such a large majority of students vocationalisation of education became the need of the hour. This is true that India does not have a history and tradition of vocational education and as such it has to learn from the experiences of the Western countries especially America. These three volumes discuss the history and the methodology of vocational education and its suitability in Indian context. It is hoped that these volumes will initiate thinking in the field of vocational education and would help in finding out the new contents and methodology of vocational education according to the needs and aspirations of the Indian society.
Sociology of Education
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