Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic: The Mark of Serbian Genius

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This is an important book about a man who had indebted not only the culture of the entire nation with his life but also, we dare say, the cultural horizons of the world as a whole. He created the work with which a new modern era in the historic development of not only the Serbian but also of the other South Slav people, their literacy and their culture began. Even today after so many years, his work does not cease to stir up interest, receive recognition and admiration not only of his own people but also of the cultural public throughout the world……is a book that all Serbian scientific and cultural workers will be grateful for, as will hopefully readers in India, to whom we recommend it heartily”.


G. Mukerjee was the Head of the Department of Modern European Languages of the University of Delhi. He is a PhD from the Moscow State University and is a distinguished scholar in the field of Slavic Studies. In recognition of his contributions to the field he has been bestowed the prestigious Cyril and Methodius award of first order by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He was awarded a UNESCO fellowship to study Czech language and History at Charles University, Prague. He is the first Indian to bring out a bilingual monograph on Mikhail Sholokhov, to bring out India's national anthem in Russian and to be elected as a member of the International Association of Slavists of Unesco. His scholary works include "A Mournful melody of Violins: Russian and Belarusian Verses" and a Russian translation of Rabindranath Tagore's dance-drama" Kingdom of Cards".


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Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic: The Mark of Serbian Genius
1st ed.
xix+120p., Appendix; References; 23cm.