Women suffer discrimination in every community and country they belong. Same is with Muslim women who have been affected by the social, economic and political issues confronting different communities in India, and by those facing Indian women as a whole. Muslim women are less assertive at present and the reason lies in lack of proper awareness and a feeling of helplessness among them. This not only keeps them backward, suppressed and incapable of making their full contribution to the social, political ad economic life of their community, but also retards the development of Indian society as a whole. The most important reason is that social ethos colour scriptural injunctions. Another reason is that most of the Islamic theologians believe that Shariat Law (Muslim Personal Law) is divine and need not to be touched, in the context of Indian Muslim community, though their apprehensions can be justified to some extent. This books aims to understand the dynamics of Muslim Personal Law, to analyze its effects on women’s lives, with respect to economic, health, educational and political aspects, and to find out the instances of suffering and resistance.
The Story of The Buddha
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