Walnut in India-Heritage Cultivation and Utilization

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The book is first of its kind in India with an aim to encompass the present level of Knowledge generated by various workers engaged in different disciplines in one volume about Walnut. Present day agricultural production has to stand international market standards, quality and competition and walnut being a dry fruit of tremendous demand in both domestic and international market has to face the challenge.

It is designed to provide basic information to scholars , Professionals, students, farmers, orchardists, trader, Agro-industry and house-wives about walnut in totality. The author has extensively analyzed the scientific data published in over 200 papers in various journal and titled them in 23 chapters.

The information compiled covers all aspect of walnut culture from heritage to usage, planting, after-care, protection, production, processing, handling, quality parameters, industrial and domestic usage, recipes in a comprehensive manner is praise worthy document that is sure to fill in the gap in our present day knowledge.


Prof. (Dr.) Bansi Lal Puttoo has served the state of Jammu and Kashmir as a farm scientist in different capacities for the last forty years that include Professor Cum Chief Scientist (SKUAST) K and Emeritus Scientist (ICAR). Having taught and guided scores of B,Sc., M.Sc., & PhD Agriculture students for their degrees and as a resources person for Kashmir orchardists in transfer of improved technology, he has published over 150 papers in National and International Journals. In addition to many technical bulletins, pamplets and leaflets he has  profusely contributed many book chapters in the edited texts concerning to temperate Horticlture.He acquired all the academic degree from different Universities of India that helped him in studying and working with Different teachers and scientists of repute in Different regions of India and was awarded for his brilliant academic records and achievements from time to time. He is a life member of over 10 professional societies of India and abroad and was awarded  Fellow of India Phytopatho-logical Society (FPSI) for his outstanding contribution.While working on “Post-Harvest Pathology of Walnut in India” he scanned the available literature on walnut and felt the non-availability of a document that compiles the scientific advances made in India about Walnut an important dry fruit of commerce. He therefore conceived the idea of writing this single author book “Walnut in India-Heritage, Cultivation and Utilization” for the benefit of walnut growers, dealers, scholars, house wives and food industry.


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Walnut in India-Heritage Cultivation and Utilization
1st ed.
xiii+233p., Tables; Figures; References; Index; 23cm.