War in the Age of Intelligence Machine

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A Machine with super intelligence would be able to hack into vulnerable networks via the internet commandeer those resources for additional computing power, take over mobile machines connected to networks connected to the internet, use them to build additional machines, perform scientific experiments to understand the world better than humans can, invent quantum computing and nanotechnology, manipulate the social world better than we can, and do whatever it can to give itself more power to achieve its goals. Modern warfare refers to the concepts, methods, and technologies that have come into use during and after World War II and the Korean War. The concepts and methods have assumed more complex forms of the 19th and early 20th century antecedents, largely due to the widespread use of highly advanced information technology, and modern armies must modernize constantly to preserve their battle worthiness. The book will be found immensely informative and useful for all and for students and scholars.

Contents: Preface. 1. Modern warfare. 2. Weapons of the 21st century. 3. Role of machines in war. 4. The age of intelligent machines in warfare. 5. The roots of artificial intelligence. 6. Ultra intelligence. 7. The ethical war machine. 8. Robot wars: the rise of artificial intelligence. 9. Information warfare: the unethical use of cyberspace. 10. Electronic warfare and Military operations. Bibliography. Index.


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War in the Age of Intelligence Machine
1st. ed.
viii+244p., 24cm.