The present status of international cooperation in countering terrorism is not particularly encouraging because strategic interests of countries take priority over countering terrorism. Most collaborative measures at the global level taken so far are ineffective and disjointed. Indiscriminate use of force by security forces invariably lead to conflict escalation, comparative studies regarding relationship between harsh measures and escalation of conflicts show that there is need of evolving better methods of using force that would not hurt
Aakrosh has been highlighting various issues related to terrorism and internal conflicts for almost a decade now and emphasizing the fact that international cooperation in developing anti-terrorist institutions and enlarging and developing wider security network is necessary to combat terrorism. There is a little doubt that we need to tackle the fountainhead of terrorism, presently the entire effort seems to be directed to fight certain terrorist groups, mostly those that directly threatens us, and the so-called war on terrorism has got totally lost in strategic agendas. A reorientation of global effort for combating terrorism is required; fundamentalism and terrorism must be countered in all its manifestations, as a narrow and selective approach can have little impact.
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