Water Pollution

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The situation of water pollution is taking a serious turn. The hazard of water pollution in a developing country like our arises directly from the following two causes: i. The made race for industrialisation and ii. A disproportionate increase in its population. One being contemporary of other i.e. increase in population necessitates increase in industrialisation and both ultimately lead to increase in pollution. One way to control it at this stage of industrial take off is through taking recourse to proper industrial and town planning. The other is through enacting anti pollution laws. In this direction the latest enactment is the water prevention and control of pollution act passed by our Parliament in 1974.

The water prevention and control of pollution Act 1974 is a step in the right direction and lot of good in favour of environmental preservation is bound to emerge if this law is properly and meaningfully enforced. However checks and balances provided by constitution law and legal system can be effective only if they are preceded and accompanied by checks and balances in human social mind as a result of appropriate Sanskaras of Dharma.

Narada has said When people give good bye to Dharma disputes arise. Dharma is the only guarantee for constitutional morality and necessary checks and balances and prevention of water pollution.


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Water Pollution
1st ed.
xv+343p., Illustrations; Maps; Bibliography; Appendices; Index; 25cm.