Watershed Management and Impact of Environmental Changes on Water Resources

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Water is the basic resource essential for the survival of mankind on earth and is the greatest gift of nature.  it is fortunate that India is endowed with vast natural resources.  But unplanned plundering, thoughtless pillage, ravenous devastating destruction and ruinous selfish exploitation of natural resources degraded the lands, dwindled the availability of water resources and erased the greenery.  The gloomy status coupled with drought conditions has their interactive influence on environment.  Advancements in Science and Technology, consequent industrial development and alarming growth of human population have all contributed to deterioration of environment which calls for urgent action.  It is well recognized that Watersheds have an important role to play in the process of sustainable development.  Watershed approach has proved its efficacy and Watersheds have been considered to be the ideal, logical and scientific hydrologic units for effective and efficient management of Water resources.


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Watershed Management and Impact of Environmental Changes on Water Resources
1st ed.
xvi+570p., Maps; Figures; Tables; References; 26cm.