What Will Work makes a rigorous and compelling case that energy efficiencies and renewable energy – and not nuclear fission or "clean coal" – are the most effective, cheapest, and equitable solutions to the pressing problem of climate change.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kristin Shrader-Frechette
Kristin Shrader-Frechette, a respected environmental ethicist and scientist, makes a damning case that the only reason that debate about climate change continues is because fossil-fuel interests pay non-experts to confuse the public. She then builds a comprehensive case against the argument made by many that nuclear fission is a viable solution to the problem, arguing that data on the viability of nuclear power has been misrepresented by the nuclear industry and its supporters. In particular she says that they present deeply flawed cases that nuclear produces low greenhouse gas emissions, that it is financially responsible, that it is safe, and that its risks do not fall mainly on the poor and vulnerable. She argues convincingly that these are all completely false assumptions.
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