The UNFAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) affirmed in 1999 that India was the world’s principal creator of milk, having achieved production of more than 74 million tonnes. Four decades earlier in 1950s, India was a milk-deficit country which used to depend on import of about 55000 tonnes of milk; but it has emerged as one of the leading exporters of milk, milk products, butter, cheese and various other products of milk. White Revolution, like Green Revolution, has radically transformed India’s economy in general and the country’s rural economy in particular. ‘Operation Flood’ is often cited as a success story of India’s systematic efforts to explore a supporting source of occupation and income to the small and marginal landholders, who own about 75 percent of the national milk animals. As 78 percent of Indian farming is rain-fed and vulnerable to drought and floods, there are market fluctuations in the prices of farm products. White Revolution has opened a new, regular and dependable source of daily cash flow into India’s rural household. No wonder that per capita rural income in real terms has been rising continuously after the success of ‘Operation Flood’ phase I & II. The percentage of people below the poverty line came down to 26 in 1999-2001 from 51 in 1977-78. To sum up, White Revolution is positively instrumental for alleviation of rural poverty.
White Revolution: Concepts and Applications
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White Revolution: Concepts and Applications
1st ed.
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