The tribal life of India has a long history. The Britishers adopted two policies for them. One was for the removal of certain evil customs, which were prevalent in the society, like sati, child marriage, etc…, and the other was the policy of non-interference in the recognition of their customary laws about marriage, adoption, succession, etc. There are many laws for the Scheduled Tribes and at the same time they have their own customary or traditional code of conduct too. The legislative provision are of two types, one for their welfare and the other that puts restrictions on their conduct. There are many laws to protect the environment. Some of them are; Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, Indian Forest Act, 1927, etc. These acts protect the wild life by declaring some areas as protected areas, reserved forests, protected forests, etc. These acts also affect the tribal laws, which are made for the welfare of the tribesmen. The book is concerned with the problems arising out of the implementation of laws pertaining to the protection of wild life and its impact upon the rights of the tribal people. The book analyses the existing laws related to the welfare of the tribal people and the preservation of wild life and also to suggest legal remedies and measures so as to remove disharmony and discord between them.
Wild Life Laws and Its Impact on Tribes
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Wild Life Laws and Its Impact on Tribes
1st ed.
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