Women 24 Secure: A Women’s Guide to Personal Safety

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Women 24 Secure teaches women how to protect themselves… and therefore is a book every woman should own. The basic premise behind this book is to improve the ‘SQ’ or Safety Quotient for women across all age groups. Through the advice presented on these pages, women will improve their understanding of what to do when confronted with a difficult personal safety challenge. Essentially the idea is to empower women with the knowledge to help lead a safer life. Ultimately the confidence that will come with the ideas given in this book, should serve as an invaluable tool in modern living. It will make women feel inherently more secure, as they will know before hand what to do in most day-to-day situations. There is no perfect world or perfect city and neither are people perfect in their attitudes and thoughts. Women 24 Secure is, however, a step towards equipping women with the necessary tools needed for self-defence and perseverance.


Born in March 1974, in Ludhiana, Punjab, Sunil Duggal spent most of his formative years abroad as his father, an Indian Administrative Officer, was posted overseas for nearly eight years. After studying in London, Sydney, Los angeles and Grenada, Caribbean he returned to India in 1992. In 1998, he struck upon the idea of entering the Security Services business and bought over a small security concern. This venture was formally launched in April 1999. Today the ISO 9001:2000 accredited company, with 14 offices, is one of the leading security companies of North India and currently employs thousands of personnel with a top quality client base, it also has an Executive Protection and Security Systems Division. Sunil presently lives in New Delhi with his wife and two children. this is his first book.


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Women 24 Secure: A Women’s Guide to Personal Safety
1st ed.
xii+105p., Figures; Plates; 17cm.