The present research work highlights the relationship between various social and cultural factors and the criminal behaviour associated with criminality. It tries to analyse the nature and pattern of women’s crime and to identify the various caused in the social and environmental surroundings and the various situations to which criminal behaviour responds. The study examines the attitude of women criminals towards the prison system, prison staff and prison culture. It also probes into the area of family environment, life style, temperament of the criminals, guilt feeling, moral values and cause of crime. The present research may be the first attempt to study the life style of women criminals done on the prison population particularly on the females criminals of India from a social work perspectives. The book will be of immense help to the researchers, s social workers, sociologists and prison administrators for understanding the complex and multi-dimensional aspect of women criminality and for probing further into the problem.
Women Criminal and Their Life-Style
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Women Criminal and Their Life-Style
1st ed.
xxii+338p., Figures; Tables; Bibliograpy; Index; 23cm.
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