Independence brought promise of equality of opportunity in all sphere to the Indian women and laws guaranteeing for their equal rights of participation in political process and equal opportunities and rights in education and employment were enacted. But unfortunately, the government sponsored development activities have benefited only a small section of women i.e. the urban middle class women. The large majority of them are still unaffected by change and development activities have benefited only a small section of women i.e. the urban middle class women. The large majority of them are still unaffected by change and development. The present study of women entrepreneurs was undertaken at a crucial period when the question of women’s contribution to development is being discussed at national level and attempts are being made to make women economically and socially independent. The study points out that entrepreneurship among women could not be developed as they lacked confidence to start their own ventures. Social pressure and attitude of doubting women’s capability and restricting their freedom of movement was found yet another hurdle. Financial organizations may also be held responsible for not encouraging women entrepreneurs. Based on the findings of the micro study of women entrepreneurs of Delhi Dr. (Mrs.) Vinze has tried to chalk out a future strategy for the development of women entrepreneurs at the macro level. It is hoped that here suggestions will help the entrepreneurs in particular and policy-planners in general. A useful book for women entrepreneurs, policy-makers, administrators, students of economics and commerce and general readers. It should be a must for all libraries academic, public or private.
Scheduled Tribe Child Labour
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