Women in Development: Perspectives from Selected States of India (In 2 Vols.)

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Women’s development can be seen as a joint venture of the triumvirate of people, non-governmental bodies and the government. Universities and other educational institutions are the nerve centres for knowledge acquisition and dissemination. They have been urged to contribute to the cause of women through programmes for awareness, creation and knowledge sharing on issues relating to development of women not only among the educated audience but also among the uneducated majority in the rural and urban communities applying appropriate strategies. It is in this background that the resource book Women in Development was conceived. It is a compendium of articles covering the historical, social, economic, cultural and political aspects of development of women in each of the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa and Tamil Nadu. The writers of the articles are drawn from different universities, colleges and research institutes located within these six states. The contents of this book are expected to serve as a base material for teaching, learning, research and extension on women’s issues and development. It is envisaged that the educated change agents would benefit from the readings in the book and reach the uneducated audience in the communities where awareness has to be spread on gender equality and women’s role in development. It is hoped that, out of these contributions will emerge in the minds of the readers, a holistic analysis of the status of women in contemporary India and motivate them to social action.


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Women in Development: Perspectives from Selected States of India (In 2 Vols.)
1st ed.
xxii+530p., viii+531-1017p., Tables; Figures; 23cm.